Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Just a Theory

I've been labeled as elitist for this, but I never said that this was true nor that it is what I really believe in. But, here goes...

Remember when your parents told you the world didn't revolve around you...? What if it did?

As far as you truly know, and I mean really personally know, did the past really happen? All the things you learn in history about the Ancient Romans, or the Renaissance, or the Civil War or the Holocaust... did those things really happen? How do you know?

As far as I'm concerned, I don't know. All I know is what has happened since the moment I was born. All that is real to me is the right here and now. The past is just as obtainable as the future - only through daydreams.

The history that we learn was written by someone else. That someone had to have a perspective. It is not a belief, but a fact that a lot of people thought Hitler was awesome. Someone had to think so. Not just someone, but a lot of someones because he became so powerful. People thought he was the best thing for them. Who's to say they weren't right? If Germany won the war, wouldn't life be different?

I often wonder how World War II is taught in Japan. Do they look at America the same way the Jewish look at Germany? If not, then why? America supposedly put the Japanese in camps and exterminated them like pests the same way the Germans did to the Jews and Cripples and Gays. Is it because history is written by the victorious? Or is it because history was only written for you? Does it really mean something on a personal level?

When I say that, I return to the theory that nothing existed before you were born. With your birth, came this new dimension in which you are the only real thing. Everything is what you make it. If you do not know that something exists, does it? For people who are born colorblind, is there such a thing as red or green? How do they know?

If this is the case, then am I suggesting that you can do whatever you wish? If you wanted to fly, you could. If you wanted to breathe under water, survive a fatal crash, or move things with your mind, you could. If you believe whole heartedly and with every single tiny little fiber of your being, you could. Have you ever heard someone say 'you make our own luck'?

But then why can't people fly? Why can't you breathe under water? Because you don't believe you can. Somewhere along in your life, someone told you that you can't. You saw someone on tv or heard about someone who failed at one of these amazing feats or that they cheated to give the illusion that they had accomplished something like this. That one time is in your memory bank somewhere and creates just enough doubt for you to fail.

If we were to experiment on this, we could take a baby the second it's born. Put it somewhere secluded from the rest of humanity. Show it only movies where people can fly. Tell that child that people can fly.. and that the only way they can see their parents is to fly to them, do you think they could? I do... and if they didn't, it would be because that baby is only another part of this dimension created for me, by me. That child's failure to fly would be caused by my disbelief that he or she could do so.

So there is no way to prove this theory, just like there is no way to prove Christianity. You just don't know...

When I was a child, I did not believe in Heaven or Hell. My friends would ask "what do you believe then?" It just never occurred to me that one belief system could be right and all others wrong. I would tell them that I believed that whatever you believe happens when you die, that's what happens. Christians go to Heaven or Hell, Buddhists are reincarnated, and so on and so forth.

Why not? This is your world. This is your dimension. Everything put here is specifically for you and only you to form your personality, beliefs, past, and future. These monks that can become weightless or smash through concrete are here to make you believe that you can do anything. These people who die in wars and plane crashes and amusing stories on the news are here to make you believe that you can't. I am here to tell you this to make you think. In the moments before you die, you will feel an overwhelming feeling of contentment, even if only for a brief moment. Perhaps, in this moment, you will realize that you CAN do anything. Perhaps that is what Heaven really is, or Enlightenment. You can do anything.

The fact is we really just don't know. I do not whole heartedly believe that this theory is true. But I do believe that it could be.

Kind of cool, isn't it?

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