Thursday, September 3, 2020

Now We Are Free


My love

Know how I'll long for the shining in your eyes

My love

How can I go on knowing that you're gone


My love

Never so strong I've wept

Not knowing what comes next

Forestalling my descent

Not yet, not yet

One day we'll meet again

Be still my heart till then

And we'll go hand in hand

My love, my friend

Yellow dawn will enthrall my eyes

Surrounded by the healing of your light

Finding myself with the divine

Wings of golden with which we will fly

All the warming joy of your glee

Revitalizing how we're meant to be 

Shining as you take hold of me

Oh, my love, at long last we are free

Hello, my love

I was so lost and lonely without you

My love

My love


We can walk together

To the light

To life

Hold on to me

Hand in hand we'll go 

To life

My love

My light

Search for me



Find me

My love I make this promise

I will find you

-Above lyrics by Cynthia Gianturco