We’re goin’ to Kentucky!
We’re goin’ to the Woods
to kill flesh-eating zombies
just like a good friend should!
Rumble to the bottom!
Rumble to the top!
Then punch and stab
and maim and kill
until they f***ing stop!!
We’re going to Kentucky!
We’re bringin’ lots of guns
to kill flesh-eating zombies!
It should be lots of fun!
Rumble to the left!
Rumble to the right!
Then sit and aim
and shoot and kill
until they f***ing’ die!!
We’re going to Kentucky!
Out to Holly’s place
to kill flesh-eating zombies
and shoot ‘em in the face!
Roll’em on the table!
Roll’em on the floor
to see if we can make it
just out the f***ing door!!
We’re going to Kentucky!
We’re gonna roll some dice
to kill flesh-eating zombies
just like those good ‘ol nights!
Roll’em really low!
Roll’em really high
and hope you have attributes
and enough points to survive!!